VSCORE not reconnecting at the start of a competition

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  • #229
    Neil Pike

    Setup the competition last night, got everything working, then took the master laptop home to make final changes and print off checklists. Came back this morning, plugged in, all the TSCORE machines reconnected with an initial “start transaction failed” message and then worked fine. The VSCORE machine required me to stop/start VSCORE before it would admit that the competition database was indeed available

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Chris.

    Hi Neil, the ‘auto restart’ feature that was added for v10 only applies to scanning for results, not reconnecting to the database. I shall take a look at adding some sort of auto re-connect attempt as well, but seeing as you had to restart the PC to get it to recover, that suggests the underlying Windows network stack was in an unrecoverable state – not much VScore can do to fix that tbh.
    As a general rule, always get the server booted first, check TScore runs there, then fire up the clients, then launch TScore and VScore.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Chris.
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