Networking with Windows 10 version 1803

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    With the release of Windows 10 update 1803, the network connectivity problems have been partially resolved.
    After the Microsoft update (you can check your version by typing ‘winver’ in a command shell) you need to ensure that these two Windows services are running and set to ‘Automatic (delayed start)’:
    Function Discovery Provider Host
    Function Discovery Resource Publication
    When you now list the servers in TScore, you should see the other computers listed. However, there may still be a problem. When you try to connect to a remote computer from the list, Windows can still fail to resolve the computer by name. There is a fix comping out shortly for this in TScore, but meanwhile you can work round the problem by appending a ‘.’ to the computer name!
    For example, if the computer is listed as ‘Panel2’, you have to enter ‘Panel2.’


    The latest versions of TScore have now changed the way they search for other computers, so these issues should now be resolved.
    The new PC detection method keeps a cached list of computers and IP addresses in the public documents\TscoreX\Network folder, so if you’re ever stuck, you can manually fill in your own computer name lookups. The list gets recreated when you click the ‘List All’ button on the connection screen.

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