All of the Excel entry form worksheets are protected with the password ‘barani’ (it’s mentioned in the documentation, but that’s a long read!) This is to stop the clubs/schools changing things you don’t want them to, such as calculations and age groups.
In Excel, on the Home ribbon, pick Format->Unprotect Sheet and enter the password.
You can now change the contents of all cells on the current worksheet. Please take great care when doing this, as some of the expression formulae are complex. Most cells though just contain text, instructions etc. and can be freely changed.
Be especially careful of making changes to the Entries worksheets, as there are a number of hidden cells with special values in, and some of the column headings and labels are used by TScore to help recognised particular types of entry form.
It’s a good idea to lock each sheet again before sending the final version out.
Any cells that are formatted as ‘protected’ cannot then be edited accidentally.
If in doubt, pop a question on the forum, or email support.
This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by